I'm a newb!!! Not just that, I am a brand newb!
Published on June 6, 2008 By galnova In Console Games
I had an underwhelming time when I opened and begun playing Ninja Gaiden 2 yesterday. The game was great but like an idiot I decided to answer an XBOX LIVE private chat from some nasaly kid that wanted a play by play on how good the game was..."Whoa what's goin on? Did you unlock another achievement? Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah"...GRRRR

After I got rid of that kid I settled back into awesome ninja really and got to enjoy!

The Story ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Story? Look some badguys came and beat up my dad. Oh wait, I killed everybody in the last Ninja Gaiden and somehow they forgot I was a badass. ANCIENT DEMON SUPPRESSING STATUE STOLEN!!! It's on! Oh wait let's go to New York and fight demons...and there are floating cars now!--you get the point. It's not exactly candy for the mind!

The Gameplay ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
In Ninja Gaiden leaves it all on the floor...It's so overwhelming from the very beginning--which is a good or bad thing depending on what type of gamer you are.--A perfect example is in chapter two when I turn a corner and there are like 15 badguys with claws, blades and fire arrows rushing at me at once. There are precious few seconds to react as their arms legs and even heads go flying. Blood everywhere. That is I realized  I was the baddest ass ninja in the galaxy!

If you love superb gory graphics, a cool combo and countering system and challenging boss fights Ninja Gaiden 2 is for you.
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