I'm a newb!!! Not just that, I am a brand newb!
galnova's Articles
June 6, 2008 by galnova
I had an underwhelming time when I opened and begun playing Ninja Gaiden 2 yesterday. The game was great but like an idiot I decided to answer an XBOX LIVE private chat from some nasaly kid that wanted a play by play on how good the game was..."Whoa what's goin on? Did you unlock another achievement? Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah"...GRRRR After I got rid of that kid I settled back into awesome ninja really and got to enjoy! The Story -------------------------------------------------------------...
May 30, 2008 by galnova
Did anyone watch the two hour finale last night? It was so good. After about eight stand up and clap moments I was worn out. Who was in the casket was finally revealed. Yet another mystery behind the island emerged with the secret underground Orchid station. Everyone's fate was decided yesterday with the rescue...next season is going to be even more awesome. I wonder what events occured on the island that forced the Oceanic Six to have to return... Lastly I just realized that the man in Jacob...
April 23, 2008 by galnova
Not since Marvel vs. Capcom has news like this broke out. I am very curious to get more details on this..The game engine,...violence level...playable characters...? Anyone with more news on this please reply.